Perimenopause and Menopause.

Perimenopause and Menopause

Some women experience troublesome symptoms in the lead up to the last period. We call this time perimenopause and for some women, it can pass by uneventfully but for others, it can be accompanied by various issues. These can range from physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle and joint aches and pains, difficulty sleeping, dryness in the vagina and painful intercourse, lowered libido and hot flushes. Some women also experience a change in their menstrual pattern and potentially mood issues as well as trouble concentrating, memory issues and brain fog.

Once a woman has stopped having her periods, we call this menopause. Women can also experience the above symptoms after their periods cease.

I have a special interest in the management of peri menopause and menopause and am experienced in assessing women’s health needs during this important transition. I aim to ensure that a woman’s concerns are understood and that she is armed with the knowledge to make informed decisions about her management. Many women are worried about the side effects of hormone therapy and this is an important topic to discuss whenever considering medication for menopausal symptoms. It is also a great time to discuss and consider any relevant health checks such as mammograms, bowel cancer screening, cervical screen tests and cardiovascular health as well as discussing healthy lifestyle changes that can impact present and future health.

Here is a link to a checklist of symptoms that can be printed for discussion with a doctor:


You may be interested in my 4 week online course, Mindfulness for the Menopause Transition. Press HERE for more info.


Here are some recommended and trusted websites to find further information:

  1. The Australasian Menopause Society have fact sheets and fact videos and can be found here:

  2. Jean Hailes Foundation: