Gynaecology and well women’s check ups.
I can assist with an assessment of any gynaecological issue.
This might include issues with your periods including pain, irregular periods, heavy periods or any abnormal bleeding at other times.
Other issues that I commonly assist females with include PCOS, endometriosis, PMS and vulval conditions such as thrush, rashes and irritation.
I can perform a cervical screen test (previously known as ‘Pap smear’) if you are due for this as well as discuss other important screening tests such as STI check ups.
Contraception and Sexual Health.
I have worked with many females of different ages to assist them with their contraceptive needs. A woman’s requirement for contraception can change over time and I am experienced in navigating the best option for different situations. When choosing a contraceptive, it is important to take into account many different factors and I can assist in answering your questions and finding a suitable personalised solution. I can insert and remove the commonly used contraceptive rods as well as remove IUDs.
Sexual Health.
I can provide a confidential routine STI check and help you manage any symptoms that may be concerning you. I can assist in the management of infections such as herpes and chlamydia. I can assist you in managing any other issues that my be interfering with your sexual health.